Settings are accessed through the slide-out menu. The settings in OB1 are constantly expanding. Each feature we add will potentially have new settings. Let's go through them.
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This allows you to choose light or dark mode for the app. You can also set Auto Dark Mode if you would like the app to automatically change from light to dark mode at dusk and dawn.
Auto Add Mile Marker Waypoint:
This will automatically drop a visible waypoint every X miles depending on this setting. This allows you to accurately measure miles on a track. You can also turn this feature off.
Mile Marker Notifications:
These are push notifications sent by the app every X miles to remind you that you are still recording. This is helpful when you are recording in the background.
Default New Locations to Private:
if set, when creating a new location, the Public/Private selection will default to Private. This can be selected for each location regardless of default setting during creation.
The app sends many notifications depending on activity relevant to you within the community. For a full list of locations sent, review this Notifications Setting screen. You can custom tailor your notifications as well as turn email notifications from OB1 on or off.
Offline Mode:
Offline mode helps OB1 to run efficiently where there is no cell service. It turns off the features that require an internet connection. This is primarily community features. While in offline mode, you have access to important map and navigation features, and can still offline save, record tracks and still have access to other useful tools.
Once active, offline mode will stay on until you manually turn it off OR you restart the app and it detects an internet connection. Offline
Mode does not prevent the map from receiving map data if a connection is present. It simply block the app from making a bunch of useless API calls, and prevents errant taps on features that cannot be used. In offline mode - you are also prevented from logging out. Without a connection, you could not log back in.
Auto Offline Mode on Launch:
If the app is closed and opened with this setting active, it will check for an internet connection on launch. If no internet connection is detected, it will launch in Offline Mode, informing you that it has done so.
Again, to turn Offline Mode off, you will need to do so manually or restart the app. When restarted, if the app detects an internet connection, Offline Mode will be turned off.
Biometric Authentication:
This allows you to use Face ID, Thumbprint, or any other form of biometric authorization as an alternative to entering your password to log in each time.
Prevent App Sleep:
If your phone is set to sleep after a certain amount of time, this setting will prevent the app from sleeping so long as you are running OB1 in the foreground.
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Delete Account
This sends a request to customer service to delete your account. Be careful. Once this is done, it absolutely cannon be undone. This will permanently and irrevocably delete your user account.